Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Ken Taylor School is a part of the S4 Program with the Calgary Police.

Here is their description of the program from their website...

S4 is based on four themes which make up the cornerstones. With positive "I" statements, students can see themselves within each of the four corners. Please read these statements with your child at home.

  • Feb 8 - Constable Johnson is coming to visit our students as part of S4
  • Feb 14 - Valentines Celebration with Literacy Activities (see letter that came home end of Jan)
  • Feb 15/16 - No School - Teacher's Convention
  • Feb 16 - Happy Chinese New Year!
  • Feb 19 - No School - Family Day
  • Feb 23 - Fun Lunch (www.HealthyHunger.ca)

Don't forget to check us out on Twitter @KenTaylorYYCBE & @MrsSimBrar

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