Friday, February 2, 2018

In math, we have been working on Number Talks. A Number Talk is exactly how it sounds - talking about numbers! We have been learning the routines to respect each others thinking. We have been learning different non-verbal quiet signs to show that we are either thinking, have an idea, have more than one idea and that we agree. Please ask your child to show you each of these non-verbal signs.

During our time in Number Talks, we are sharing how we must respect one another and not tell others that they are wrong. Through exploring numbers and sharing our strategies, we work through number sentences to see what they equal - when we make these mistakes, its proof we're trying and it gives us an opportunity to learn.

Please ask your child how they can use the first number sentence, to help them solve the second two number sentences. This is called using the strategies of 'near doubles'

3 + 2 = ?
3 + 3 = 6
3 + 4 = ?

Inspired by the Friendship Assembly put on by the grade 3's, we read a story about two friends who had a problem. Here are the characters, setting, problem and solution. Please ask your child to re-tell you the story. Also, we learned about two new words: furious and foolish - ask your child what these mean and to use them in a sentence


  • Feb 2 - Movie Night - Coco - doors open at 6:15, movie starts at 7
  • Feb 14 - Valentines Celebration with Literacy Activities
  • Feb 15/16 - No School - Teacher's Convention
  • Feb 19 - No School - Family Day
  • Feb 23 - Fun Lunch (

Don't forget to check us out on Twitter @KenTaylorYYCBE & @MrsSimBrar

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