Thursday, November 30, 2017

I can tell you what a thermometer is and I'm learning what it does! 

Today students learned about thermometers. Ms. Park, our student teacher, has been providing students with learning opportunities in Science, linking to our Hot and Cold unit. 

Thank you to those parents who put in book orders. I will place the order tomorrow, so if you are still thinking of getting something for your child for Christmas, please let me know :) If you wish to keep it a surprise, please email me with the item number and the name and use the Parent Pay option online. We can arrange for a time to pick up the items when they arrive :)
  • Dec 1 - Movie Day - showing...Polar Express
  • Dec 6 - Picture Retake orders due
  • Dec 8 - PD Day no school for students
  • Dec 21 - Last day of school for students - Early Dismissal - Report cards come home.
  • Jan 8 - Students return from winter break

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