Wednesday, November 29, 2017

I can represent numbers in different ways! 

Students have been working with numbers to 100 and have been working hard to represent them in different ways. You can...

Here is a fun song to listen to with your child:

Ask your child to represent any numbers 0 - 100 in different ways! 

Please find attached our December Newsletter. Dec 2017.pdf 

An excerpt from our newsletter this month...
It is also a time where we can think of those who have not had the best of years or experiences this past year and perhaps, of how we can make a positive difference. From December 1st to 15th we will, again, be collecting cash donations for our school Christmas Hampers. Our tradition, one year old, is to provide a gift card to a few families in our school community who would benefit from this act of kindness. If you wish to participate, please send an envelope to school with your child or drop it off in the office when you stop by in the days ahead. 

  • Dec 1 - Movie Day - showing...Polar Express
  • Dec 6 - Picture Retake orders due
  • Dec 8 - PD Day no school for students
  • Dec 21 - Last day of school for students - Early Dismissal - Report cards come home.
  • Jan 8 - Students return from winter break

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