Thursday, November 23, 2017

I can ...turn, twist, balance, bend, land, stretch, curl, hang...

Physical Literacy!
Mrs. Fraser, our Physical Education Specialist, has spent quite a bit of time organizing and creating opportunities for students to practice their physical literacy using gymnastic equipment.

Unfortunately, today was our last day with the equipment! Starting on Monday, students will participate in 'Creative Movement' which involves combining music and physical education!

As we are wrapping up that unit, please have your child reflect on their experience in the gym during the obstacle course.
What was their favourite part and why? 
What did they find challenging? 
What did they get better at as they progressed through the stations? 

Ask your child: What did you have to do at each station? (encourage them to use position words)
Here are some you can use to help guide your conversation.

  • Nov 24 - Fun Lunch @ 11:30 - please only send a snack if you ordered fun lunch!
  • Nov 28 & 29 - Toonie Popcorn Days
  • Dec 1 - Movie Day
  • Dec 8 - PD Day no school for students

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