Tuesday, November 21, 2017

I can retell events from stories!

During read aloud we have been focusing quite a bit on retelling the key or important parts of the story. Today we practiced this skill with the story, Douglas, You Need Glasses! (Click the title if you wish to re-read the story with your child at home)

After reading the story, we discussed what the story was about! (Hint: the title often gives you a hint as to what the story is about - in this case, was that true?)

We also discussed that there were smaller events that helped the readers figure out the point of the story. For example, Douglas thought the leaf was a squirrel, that the banister was Nancy, that the bee hive was his ball! All of these smaller events lead us to the bigger idea: that Douglas needs glasses!

With the new library book coming home this week, please ask your child to re-tell main events of the story and ask them, what was this story about? In doing so, this will strengthen your child's comprehension :)

Click HERE for some comprehension tips to support parents when reading at home:) 

  • Nov 22 Mrs. Brar is away for CBE Math Cohort all day. Student will meet Mrs. Llyod! 
  • Nov 23 Poinsettia orders due 
    Please see the attached colour order forms.  Plant order 2017.pdf 
  • Nov 24 - Fun Lunch @ 11:30 - please only send a snack
  • Nov 28 & 29 - Toonie Popcorn Days 
  • Dec 1 - Movie Day
  • Dec 8 - PD Day no school for students

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