Thursday, June 21, 2018

Monday is Sports Day! From 1-215, students will have an opportunity to engage in various activities around the field. Please support your child by sending them with:
1. hat
2. water bottle
3. proper running shoes
4. apply sunscreen before school (please do not send sunscreen unless your child can apply it independently) 


As our school year comes to an end and our classroom’s are being tidied, our Lost & Found pile is growing!
Please feel free to drop by the school and collect your missing items.  Any items not collect by June 27th will be donated.


Students came home with information regarding new programs from the Calgary Public Library! Students can enter into a draw to win an iPad! A representative shared all the different programs that students can participate in - there are 500 different programs! To learn more, Visit Calgary Public Library's website here


Yearbooks will be available for purchase until Monday, June 25, 2018. Please go to and select Ken Taylor either by searching school name, or entering yearbook ID: 13178618.


Please notice the Year-End Assembly scheduled for 8:30 on June 27th. Mrs. Buonomo has prepared our classes to perform a short piece using our DrumFit drums to Mozart! If you are available to come watch us, we would love to have you! Please also note that this is a half day - we will finish at 12. Report cards will also come home that day.


Students have been working hard on various year end projects over the last week or so. Our writers are becoming published authors of their versions of the 3 Little _____ and the big bad ______. They have also worked hard with their partners on their Who Would Win, "bug" vs "bug" books! This collaborative teamwork involves taking turns, asking each other what they think, and working together to find a solution. We cannot wait to share these with you in the learning commons next year! 


Using iBooks and Google Doc's students worked with a partner to research more about Meteghan, the Acadian people and the East Coast. Ask your child to share their research with you - its in their google docs! Ask them what they learned about Meteghan and Acadian people.


Comparing Weights! 
Students learned more about the words heavier and lighter.

Students took various objects around the room, made a prediction which one would be heavier and then utilized measuring scales to test their ideas! 


Today is the first day of summer and National Indigenous Peoples Day!
We celebrated by learning more about Canada! Did you know, our country name and the names of 6 out of 13 provinces and territories all come from different Indigenous languages in Canada? Our students sure do! Thanks to #akgtcsa we learned more about these Indigenous names and their origins.

Click HERE to read more about the Indigenous Names.


Cooperative Game day - Tuesday, June 26, 2018

We are going to engage in a cooperative game day in our class on Tuesday, during which time students will practice sharing their favourite board games with their peers. Students will have an opportunity to practice their presentation skills as they explain the rules and objectives of their chosen board game, and will further enhance their team building and collaborative skills through community play. So, please send in your child's favourite board game and please ensure that the game is clearly labeled with your child's name.

June 18
June 19
June 20
June 21
June 22

Indigenous Peoples Day

Popcorn Day!
Grade 4 Send On Assembly @ 8:30

Half Day
June 25
June 26
June 27
June 28
June 29
Sports Day
1 - 215

Send proper running shoes, hat & water bottle
Cooperative Game Day! See note above
Last day of school

Half Day

Year End Assembly @ 8:30 - We're performing!!!
No school – Appeals day
Summer Break

Follow us @KenTaylorYYCBE and @MrsSimBrar

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