Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Today we read the story, The Lonely Inukshuk and learned more about the significance of the Inukshuk to the Inuit people. In the story, the Inukshuk is lonely and is trying to figure out why he is all alone at the top of the hill near the mountain. He tried to ask a few arctic animals, but they were all busy! Finally, he hears a father and son who were passing by. Read the following passage to learn what the Inukshuk heard.

Upon reading the story, students engaged in a Sketch and Stretch to focus on our comprehension. Students were asked: What is the most important part of the story and why? Here are our sketches! Please ask your child to explain their work to you.

Please continue to practice these math games for practice:
1. Double Digit Addition
2. Place Value Game
3. Build Addition Skills
4. Base Ten Fun
  • March 14 - School Council meeting (6:30 - 8) Grade 2 team is presenting! :)
  • March 16 is Subway Fun Lunch
  • March 20, 21, 22 - our classes will be inline skating (we are NOT skating the other days): STUDENTS CAN BRING THEIR OWN HELMETS and SKATES! No Knee or Elbow pads are necessary. If you do not have these items, don't worry, we have enough for all students!  :)
  • March 22 - Half day and Last day of classes before Spring Break!
  • April 3 - Return from Spring Break
Don't forget to check us out on Twitter @KenTaylorYYCBE & @MrsSimBrar

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