Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Sorry for the lack of blogs in the last few days!! Supporting the school with Math Professional Development has taken up all of my time after school! :)

Students designed and created insulation devices to help keep out smoothies cold! Here are some of our creations.

Students tested their designs today, following the scientific process. First they created a hypothesis (ask me what this is). They predicted how long their device would keep our smoothies cold. They sketched their final devices and today was test day! Here are some pictures of us gathering the data throughout the day.

We learned that devices with small spaces to hold our smoothie cup and had coverage to stop the blocking of air worked best. How did my device do? What did ours do well with? How would I change it next time? 

Students enjoyed a performance from Michael Mitchell yesterday! Click HERE to listen to some of the songs he sang.
  • March 14 - School Council meeting (6:30 - 8) Grade 2 team is presenting! :)
  • March 15, 16, 19 - our classes will be inline skating (we are NOT skating the other days): STUDENTS CAN BRING THEIR OWN HELMETS :)
  • March 16 is Subway Fun Lunch
  • March 22 - Half day and Last day of classes before Spring Break!
  • April 3 - Return from Spring Break
Don't forget to check us out on Twitter @KenTaylorYYCBE & @MrsSimBrar

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