Thursday, February 22, 2018

The final date for students to bring in materials for our insulation project is tomorrow, Friday, February 23! At this moment, we do not have very much! 
Examples of items students can bring!

We continue to look for:
   - aluminum foil
   - plastic
   - newspaper
   - cling wrap
   - wax paper
   - cardboard
   - bubble wrap
   - any thing else you think may be a good insulator!

Please note, we are not asking families to purchase these items, but rather, gather items they are willing to part with from around the house. As well, you do not have to create the container, rather just gather household items from home that may support us in our creations.

Thank you for supporting our learning! 

A.M.A. (Ask Me About)
- Our new wall story! What story element were we focused on (ie: character, settings, problem, solution)? What adjectives can I identify to you? How did I contribute to our wall story? Based on our description, can you guess what our settings is? 

  • Feb 23 - Fun Lunch & Flex Friday
  • Feb 27 - Scholastic Book Order Due & Mrs. Brar away at Math Cohort Meeting
  • Feb 28 - Pink Shirt Day
  • Mar 2 - Movie Night - Captain Underpants
Don't forget to check us out on Twitter @KenTaylorYYCBE & @MrsSimBrar

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