Wednesday, December 6, 2017

I you our new wall story!

A wall story is a high yield strategy from Miriam Trehearne, that is used to develop oral language and comprehension. As we wrote the story our story, Out on the Prairie, we learned about a new words and worked hard to add adjectives. Students then illustrated the pages, working together in a group to ensure all students ideas were included. 

Here are some new words we learned...some words have links attached to them

We will continue to work on these words, using them as we write and speak!

Please read the wall story together at home! Remember, re-reading can help build fluency so read it many times over the next few days!

Winter Celebration Update!
Students have been working hard with Mrs. Buonomo and Mrs. Fraser in Creative Movement. Please check the table below to see when we are presenting - Tuesday December 19 at 8:30am. All parents and families are welcome to our assemblies during the last week of school for 2017! 
* begins the week of December 18
  • Dec 8 - PD Day no school for students
  • Dec 11 - Mrs. Brar is away for a personal day :)
  • Dec 18 - Festive day - wear your cultural clothing!
  • Dec 19 - Holiday Hat Day & our class is presenting our creative movement! Popcorn day
  • Dec 20 - Pajama and Popcorn day
  • Dec 21 - Candy Cane Day - wear red & white!
  • Dec 21 - Last day of school for students - Early Dismissal - Report cards come home.
  • Jan 8 - Students return from winter break

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