Wednesday, November 15, 2017

I have...positive health habits!

Students at Ken Taylor practice being mindful each day. After lunch each day, we gather and practice some mindful strategies. Sometimes we do mindful colouring, sometimes we do stretching, sometimes we visualize, sometimes we do some deep breathing - all of these are great ways to help us be more present and in the moment.

Please click on the image to watch a video from Annaka Harris with your child to help better understand what it means to be present.

Yesterday we watched a video from the series from Go Zen about visualizing a peaceful place. In the video, they ask us to draw a peaceful place that we've been to or want to go to. Below are some examples students drew. Today, we visualized being at these places. We connected it to our senses - what does it feel like to be here? What do you smell? What do you hear? What is to the left of you? What is to the right of you? As a family, please share what your peaceful place might be.

At the end of our visualization, we came up with some words to describe how we were feeling.
I feel rested...
I feel relaxed...
I feel focussed...
I feel happy...
I feel in control...
I feel warm...
I feel quiet...
I feel peaceful...
I feel calm...
I feel mindful...
We realized that we do not learn best when we are the opposite of these words (tired, out of control, crazy, tense, cold, loud). 
By practicing mindfulness each day, it will support us with our learning!

  • Nov 16 Scholastic Book Orders are Due
  • Nov 17 PD Day - No school for students
  • Nov 17 Last day to order Fun Lunch 11:30 (please order on
  • Nov 18 Christmas Market
  • Nov 20 Wear a blue shirt for Children's Day
  • Nov 23 Poinsettia orders due 
    Please see the attached colour order forms.  Plant order 2017.pdf 
  • Nov 24 - Fun Lunch - please only send a snack
  • Nov 28 & 29 - Toonie Popcorn Days 
  • Dec 1 - Movie Day
  • Dec 8 - PD Day

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