Monday, November 27, 2017

I can read tell you what tens and ones are in place value!

Students have been learning how to represent 2 digit numbers.
A digit is any of the numbers from 0 - 9. When you reach 10, it has two digits, the 1 and the 0. 

For our introduction into place value, we watched this video together: watch it by clicking HERE

We also played a game where we built numbers using ones and tens from Turtle Diary - click HERE to play that game! 

With a partner, students used place value mats, one cubes and ten rods to build numbers below 99. Ask your child what each of these represent! 

New book orders came home today. They are due by the end of the week as many parents use this opportunity to purchase items for the upcoming holidays. If you wish to keep these items a surprise, please let me know and we can arrange a time to pick the items when they arrive! You can pay using Parent Pay online, send me a list of the items you want - this way its a surprise for your child!

  • Nov 28 & 29 - Toonie Popcorn Days
  • Dec 1 - Movie Day - showing...Polar Express
  • Dec 8 - PD Day no school for students

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