Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Assembly Reminder
Our class will be presenting at the Remembrance Day assembly this Friday. We are asking students to wear black, white, or grey for the ceremony. Students who are a part of clubs such as Beavers, Cubs and Brownies etc. are asked to wear their uniform. 

In preparation for Remembrance day students created some poppy art. Here is us working through the process. Please ask your child how they created their masterpieces. 

  • Nov 8 School Council Meeting 6:30 – 8:30pm (all parents welcome)
  • Nov 10 Remembrance Day Ceremony 10:30 – 11:15 (Our class will be participating in this assembly)
  • Nov 15 Picture Retake Day
  • Nov 24 Fun Lunch 11:30 (please order on
  • Nov 16 Scholastic Book Orders are Due
  • Nov 17 PD Day - No school
  • Nov 18 Christmas Market
  • Nov 20 Wear a blue shirt for Children's Day
  • Nov 23 Poinsettia orders due

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