Friday, October 20, 2017

What a busy morning! This morning we had an assembly to review safety around the school. Students heard from Constable Will, our School Resource Officer. He spoke about how students can help parents make safe choices when dropping students off in the morning and picking up in the afternoon. He shared the safe way to cross the street - point, pause, proceed.

How does Point-Pause-Proceed work?

  • POINT (extend your arm) at the crosswalk, keeping all five fingers fully extended.
  • PAUSE to look for traffic. Look in all directions. Make eye contact with drivers and wait until all vehicles have come to a complete stop.
  • PROCEED across the street, keeping your arm and fingers extended. Stay alert to potential dangers.
Please visit this website and discuss the video with your child: 

  • If you wish to donate to our school playground fund, please look at the paper sent home yesterday. 
  • Home reading should be done each night, however you do not have to return it every day. Multiple readings of the same book are strongly encouraged! 
  • We are still collecting donations for Jacket Racket

  • Oct 25 & 26 - Popcorn day!
  • Oct 31st Happy Halloween

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