Thursday, October 5, 2017

We have been working really hard on learning more about 2-D shapes and 3-D objects. We learned more of the mathematic vocabulary, such as vertices, faces, edges for 3-D shapes, and sides and corners. Here is a visual to help

Please practice this vocabulary with your child at home. Here is an interactive game you an play together 

Today we read the story, Shapes that Roll! Please discuss with your child, which shapes can be stacked, roll, or slide!

Dear Parents,

Jacket Racket is a volunteer organization with the goal of ensuring that every child from Kindergarten to Grade 12 has a warm winter coat to wear to school. 90% of donations come from schools. The jackets are then distributed to children in schools where there is a need. This year we are inviting our students and parents to participate in a coat drive for Jacket Racket.  

They accept gently used warm winter coats, snow pants, hats and mittens for all ages. Often whole families are outfitted, so any size is welcome.
A box will be set up in the Embassy for collection from October 10, 2017 to October 24, 2017
We encourage you to generously support this worthy project.
It is a great opportunity to help students who may be less fortunate.

Thank you for your support.

Student Leadership Group and Mrs. Fraser

- please return library truck forms
- tomorrow is half day (we provide students an opportunity to eat some lunch)
- our library book exchange day is every Tuesday
- home reading should be read each night! Re-read stories a few times for fluency 😃

  • Oct 9th No School – Happy Thanksgiving
  • Oct 11th Parent Council Meeting 6:30 – 8:30
  • Oct 16th No School – PD Day
  • Oct 18th Picture Day
  • Oct 31st Happy Halloween 

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