Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Students have been learning about how they can be mindful throughout their day. Today we learned about the 4-7-8 breathing technique from GoZen for kids. Taking deep breathes helps us calm when we are upset or feeling anxious. It also helps us stay focused throughout the day. Watch the video together here and practice at home:
This resource was provided by Alberta Health Services :)

Calgary Public Library Book Truck

Interest to participate in the Book Truck was not as high as we would like thus we will not be partnering with them at this time.  We will look at a spring opportunity for students to tour the truck and learn more about their Summer Reading program.  New participation forms will be sent home at that time.  Thank you to all families who responded.

Ken Taylor Staff

  • Oct 11th Parent Council Meeting 6:30 – 8:30
  • Oct 13th - OUR FIRST FUN LUNCH and SPIRIT DAY: Wear your favourite team jersey!
  • Oct 16th No School – PD Day
  • Oct 18th Picture Day & Book orders are due
  • Oct 25 & 26 - Popcorn day!
  • Oct 31st Happy Halloween 

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