Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Dear Parents,

Tomorrow morning our students will be participating in a lockdown practice. Today we reviewed some of the reasons why we practice, and what the responsibility of students is during this practice time. 

Please ask your child what they must do during a lock down to ensure we are all safe.

A.M.A. (Ask Me About)
- What strategy can I use to help me spell a tricky word?
- What shapes can I find in our home? How are they similar? How are they different? 
- How are the shapes below similar? How are they different? Try to use our math vocabulary: 2-D, 3-D, faces, edges, vertices (or corners), stack, roll, slide

  • A letter came home about a special presenter coming into our classroom next week! Please email me if you have any questions! 
  • If you wish to donate to our school playground fund, please look at the paper sent home yesterday. 
  • Home reading should be done each night, however you do not have to return it every day. Multiple readings of the same book are strongly encouraged! 
  • We are still collecting donations for Jacket Racket

  • Oct 25 & 26 - Popcorn day!
  • Oct 31st Happy Halloween

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