Friday, September 22, 2017

Thank you!

Dear Parents,

Thank you so much for attending Parent Teacher Student Conferences. It is always a pleasure to meet with parents and learn more about how I can better support your child throughout the year.  Please feel free to contact me at any time through email (, by calling the school (403-817-3504) or by dropping by!  
As discussed with you, below are links to each of the Fry Lists with flash cards. We appreciate all of the support you provide your children at home to help them learn here at school.

The office has sent out an email today at 10:00 am with the subject heading “Weekly Dispatch Sept 25-29”.   If you have not received this email it indicates you have not subscribed to receive non-commercial emails from Ken Taylor School and the CBE.  Please follow the attached link in order to subscribe and stay informed.

- No school Monday due to PD Day
- I will be at my Learning Leader meeting on Tuesday Morning, returning at lunch
- Library Book exchange is on Tuesday Morning - please support your child by sending back their books! 
- Scholastic book orders went home yesterday. Please return order forms by Sept 28
- Raz-Kids passwords to come in the next few weeks
- Home reading to come home this week. Please provide some feedback so we know if your child is feeling success with the level of books being sent home

Pictures from this week...ask what we were doing!

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