Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Hello Parents and Guardians

Ken Taylor offers noon supervision to all of our Grades 1-4 students.  In order for your child to be eligible for this service you must register using your My CBE account.   Please be sure to register for the 4 day week service for $255.00. 

If you do not register for noon supervision your child will need to be picked up over the noon hour. If your child rides the bus you will also need to register for bus service and pay the bussing fee of $355 for the school year.  When you register your child for the bus service they will  automatically be registered for noon supervision and both fees will apply.

Any family needing a waiver is encouraged to apply to the City of Calgary Fair Entry Program to prove income for a CBE waiver, as well as access other benefits of the program. This is optional for families and the CBE will will continue to accept other approved documents as proof of income.  Please visit our CBE website for more details 

If you have already registered for noon supervision please disregard this email.

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☝☝Look up and notice new pages : Vocabulary and Educational Resources☝☝

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- Scholastic book orders went home last week. Please return order forms by Sept 28
- Friday is Orange Shirt Day and the Terry Fox Run! Please support the cause by bringing in Toonies for Terry! Parents are welcome for the assembly and the run! 

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